Anonymous ID: 4b3067 Jan. 19, 2025, 5:52 a.m. No.22380079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dodged it for now. The wanna-be communist never rest and each time they con their way into power they move the needle. They push the societal limits, people go WTF, the pendulum starts back the other way, people get lazy and BTFO and the communist con their way back into power. Rinse, repeat. It never quite gets to where it needs to be.


Our problem is that we, as a nation, do not punish treason. It's like this betrayal is mythic folklore. Only found in movies and stories. It's never discussed or talked about. If someone does bring the subject up the smear campaign starts, labeled a tin foil hat conspiracist etc…….. Only once or twice have I heard a anyone even say the word but the stark fact is, many of these democrat pols, operatives, government employees, news media types have committed treason. It is abundently clear what their sole intent is. Destroy the US from the inside out. They take their oath of office and the next minute they set about working "in the dead of night" as someone once said, in scheming, conning, dividing and undermining the nation in whatever way, shape or form they can.


Anyone who believes that the democrat party will self reflect about their loss in November is kidding themselves. The only thing these people are going to reflect on is how to devise another way to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. Make the people believe that they are sorry, we have looked in the mirror and seen the error of our ways, we will fight for you, fight for democracy, stand with their hand over their heart when the National Anthem is played and the rest. It is all a con job.


Their's is the long march forward and they march even if it means taking down America one inch at a time.


I am very hopeful for the next 4 years but [They] have been at this for 100 years and if we are going to return this nation to what the Founders envisioned and gave to future generations then there are going to have to be some very big changes.


A "Convention of States to Amend the Constitution" is needed dealing with issues like mandated balanced budgets, term limits, taxation. Serious, serious punishment regarding anyone in the federal government, politicians, appointees, employees, contracters who use the power of their positions and office to deprive a citizen of their God given rights is to be indicted, arrested on the spot, tried, convicted and sentenced to 25 years in Federal prison with no possiblity of parole. Forfeiture of all retirement, benefits. The banning of public sector unions, and a slew of other issues that the Founders had no way of knowing about way back then. Mark Levin's "The Liberty Amendments" would be a good place to start.


The damage this party has done to this country is almost immeasurable and right minded Americans have to start playing the long game because this party is pest in your home. Weeds in your yard and every other ill that one has to be vigilant about.They will not quit until their actions have severe consequences that will make them think twice about attempting to destroy this country ever again.


Thank God for tomorrow. It has been a long decade and especially the last 4 years. Our POTUS is back in charge and I am hopeful that he is going to set a lot of this straight. You fucking RINO republicans had better get your asses in line, get on the train and help our POTUS set this shit straight. If you don't, your political career will be destroyed.

God Bless President Trump and may God Bless America.
