>>2238388 (lb)
What? not gonna lie, that comment made mestumble..... not asking you to imagine, go back and look. re read thinkj why is every move being made the way its being made? then you might recognize the thought processes.
>>2238388 (lb)
What? not gonna lie, that comment made mestumble..... not asking you to imagine, go back and look. re read thinkj why is every move being made the way its being made? then you might recognize the thought processes.
truth tends to annoy people. go back, re read.or stick your thumb up your ass and say boss hasn't checked in why should I. It';s you that has to live with yourself. if you can proudly put you name on your work today, youre either delusional or one of the few that are still trying… But if its "annoying" that's stopping you, no need to look back, annoying won't cover it. Too afraid? the only difference between an expanded mind and a blown one is the thickness of your skull. But hey, keep it off to the shills pics and do nothing to bring anymore theories on who Q posted, pretend having your comp brute force codes on the oversized pics in the background is all you can do… you have one brain and only so much time to use it…. I suggest you do if you care about about this cause….. obviously not just directed at you, but at people at large. want to contribute…. Huber post read re read…. strategy people are missing. re fucking read…
truth is behind you, flight came to an end. you were astounded by what jumped out at you during flight,…. but review logs…. what didn't you see? Remagen died for this. I don't know how else to say at this point.. you all have more than you know, if you will just stop looking at the sun in your face and look back to see what has been illuminated by the light… truth is behind you… light to darkness means nothing if you all slam your eyes shut…. news unlocks map… read the fucking map
keep this sessions pic, we're gonna have a good laugh about this next year. who would have thought they would make the meme that will be reposted after the fact…. these people are fucking stupid.
bait… poor attempt, not you, him. We know, but if we use, they will hardcore try to use it as conspiracy theory propaganda against us. lets stick with the analysis of his birth certificate at this point.
>>2238932i think you are underestimating their stupidity… think of it your way, wil they really not try to pull this card? im not saying not to look into this, i flat out know the truth behind the underlying message (as do you). im saying if we press this approach as proof, which is exactly what they want, they will do the pathetically obvious and attack it in the way they already have planned. im saying… when Q goes full pub, this cannot be used as prrof. sprinkled in sparsely for flavor absolutly, but we need to be pressing/ filling out the glaring mistakes in Obamas birth certificate at this point. 90% chance, you will see this clip on snopes or cnn in future. In my humble opinion.
>>2239832 , sorry typo my end screwed link.
what I get for being distracted while typing, sorry, embaressing… sadly jus realizing all my studies mean nothing, as I literally cant spell embarrassing right… oh wait…. scratch that. weird… kinda like saying a word and when you focus on it, it always seems wrong, but when you don't it's always normal. sorry got lost in my own mind there for a sec. back on point, im not saying the vid is wrong, im just saying be very… careful in the proofs we may build off of it… smells like bait to me.
Godbless and Godspeed. For God and Country.
Who has full power to declassify? not knobs no probs.
know youre troll, just giving a quick tug on the line so others don't bite…You call his recusal wroingful, because it's finally starting to sink in… the diff between SpecC and Huber, not on price, but price per payout. We the people know a good investment when we see it.
not sure if you made, but straight up good work… on whoopi the view one, young americans like "wisdom" they like learning… the top right statement should be more saliant than her desperation, if that makes sense. hell, imho humble and honest…. can the they never thought she would lose, and put the truth comment on blast… truth should be the main message.