I would still take it.
Use it all up, take every three to four days.
I have all the horse, sheep, wormers.
I take them all.
Switch things up.
A month of one, an every five days another.
Take a break for two weeks, start again.
Parasites have cycles.
Eggs, larvae, worms.
I do simple in home old school enemas also.
Clean out the pipes.
Our great grandparents had it right.
They always had an enema bag hanging back of bathroom door.
Buy an enema kit on Amazon.
Inexpensive and one of the best things to have for your health.
Research different enema solutions and try a few.
Plain water, water vinegar, water soapy suds, coffee enema, watch a bunch of vids and get familiar. Seems like a big trouble, but it is not. Just gotta get your routine down and train your brain and muscles that you control them , they don’t control you.
Crucify your flesh.
You control your body, it doesn’t control you.
Once you can hold a full bag of solution in your bowels for an hour, you are on your way.
Enemas are so great.
They make you feel great once you learn the techniques and can do them easily like clockwork.
We call plumbers when pipes are not flowing, you should do same for your body.
You are the plumber.
Clean out that shit. Kek.
Most sickness and disease starts in gut and bowel.