Gonna hafta buy the anon that started the regular Marilyn posting last year a beer. She reminds me of someone.
Not regularly. It was even commented on last year, "What's with the Marilyn posting?" and now it's pretty much an every day thing. Something smells off about your post.
And knowing how the clowns love to hijack any sort of trend, I'm inclined to believe my instinct.
Great. Now internet whores are trying to out-slut each other.
Yeah, don't think I'll be getting any of that tonight.
Neither will I. Not that I'm a shill or deep state, but just because there's the restlessness of anticipation in the air. It's been a long walk through this dark.
Not to mention CP was allowed when Dorsey was in charge so I don't know what that post is supposed to imply. I swear it seems like people think free speech is free license to be a menace with no repercussions and then they whine and cry and try to hide behind the idea of free speech, seems Alinsky-ish. X is a website, not the government.
I think with how controversial it is that it should be left up to each state to decide for themselves. Can't speak on POTUS' thoughts on the matter as I don't know what his thoughts are on the matter.
Quiet, you little clown. All I do is just post the meme once and little fucktards try making an issue out of it. Better luck trying to blend in next time, failure.
Oh, look, the spamtard clowntard crew is using the racial divide and conquer narrative rather than the anonymous personality divide and conquer narrative. Little unwelcome idiots peddling propaganda that no one believes. So close to convincing everyone to hate who you hate via the schools but ultimately failed at that too. You clowns really should start thinking about a new job, that is if you haven't been identified for arrest.
Like what you're doing now with your projection to keep your parasitic circle-jerk alive? Idiot. The mimics established the veracity of the projections when they display the very behavior you MuhJoo morans accuse others of. And you can't even define what a Jew is if it is merely someone that disagrees with you and you lump anyone that does into the target of your bullshit narrative you're paid to post. Don't tell me you're one of the idiots that finds his self-worth in the hate that he posts. I mean, I guess you get off on being a repugnant loser committed to failing in a place about truth.
Looks like someone is trying to spin up a distractive rumor mill to track chatter on social media. That'll go nowhere. Barry's gay as fuck.
You propose organized crime helping citizens become prosperous? Does that involve protection fees? Only prosperous so long as you comply and obey? That parallels across many concepts.