Beings MLK will be stealing limelight on POTUS' Day tomorrow (Communist msm will see to it), only fair that his history is acknowleged, is it not?
Pic1: MLK at Communist Training School * Declassified FBI Paper Reveals Communist Associates of Martin Luther King
…Another complicating factor in the picture is the degree of communist influence on King. One of King’s principal advisors is Stanley David Levison. Ostensibly only a New York City attorney and businessman, Levison is, in fact, a shrewd, dedicated communist. Levison has spent the major part of his life advancing communist interests… some of the ways Levison had supported and influenced King, as far back as 1956:• He actively involved himself in fundraising drives for King.• He served as King’s legal counsel.• He suggested speech material for King.• He guided King in deciding whether to accept or reject public appearances.• He edited most of the chapter’s of King’s book Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?
The FBI paper then named another communist whose name is very familiar to those who have read articles about King’s communist connections… Further information about this communist was found in the book, It’s Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, by the late author and speaker Alan Stang. Through Levison’s influence, other subversives were attracted to SCLC [The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which King helped found]. Hunter Pitts O’Dell, former National Committee member of the CPUSA, was employed by SCLC. In 1962, when King mentioned to Levinson that he was thinking of adding an administrative assistant to his staff, Levinson recommended O’Dell, who was then head of SCLC’s New York office. King said he liked the idea. At that time, King was well aware of Levison’s and O’Dell’s communist affiliations. Under the sub-head “Communist Exposed,” the paper went on to reveal more about O’Dell: King was forced to get rid of Hunter Pitts O’Dell in October, 1962, when several newspaper articles exposed O’Dell’s connection with SCLC and his communist affiliations. King still tried to hide O’Dell in his organization until July, 1963, when he accepted O’Dell’s “resignation.” As King put it, O’Dell’s release was not because of connections between O’Dell and the CPUSA but because of the emotional public response.
Had the Communists NOT won, THIS is the guy who, instead, sh/would’ve had a day in his honor for helping US win:
Manning Rudolph Johnson was a Communist Party USA African-American leader and the party's candidate for U.S. Representative from New York's 22nd congressional district during a special election in 1935. He later left the Party and became a government informant and witness. On July 14, 1949, Johnson testified on "Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups":
Johnson also testified against Paul Robeson (honored with 1952’s STALIN PEACE PRIZE, and THEN a U.S. STAMP - in2004!) "in the Negro commission of the national committee of the Communist Party we were told, under threat of expulsion never to reveal that Paul Robeson was a member of the Communist Party, because Paul Robeson's assignment was highly confidential and secret. "During 1949 testimony, Johnson summed up Robeson's career by saying, "It is regrettable, indeed, that such a man has sold himself to Moscow. He has enjoyed many of the benefits of this country. In 1953, Johnson testified before the Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Representatives
Years before "MLK" came along — Hearings Regarding Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups. Part 2, Testimony of Manning Johnson July 14, 1949 Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party’s work in the South…White leftists descended on Negro communities like locusts, posing as “friends” come to help “liberate” their black brothers. Along with these white communist missionaries came the Negro political Uncle Toms to allay the Negro’s distrust and fears of these strangers. Everything was inter-racial, an inter-racialism artificially created… Chapter Three RED PLOT TO USE NEGROES