That’s right, use that standard issue VPN while you still got it for 12 more hours.
Coating the wasteful agencies means there won’t be anyone where to destroy records
I take credit for my own work. Clear your desk out. Enjoy that no hire list for the next 30 years
Yeah you’re mad lmao
It would be stupid of you to think you could threaten me and not be gelocated.
you’re just catching a filter every comment lmao
I violated the code guys!!! The fbi made a code and I violated it!!!! Ohhh noooo Peter Strzok is mad at me!!!!
lol maybe this guy threatening me is the one who stole 10 sniper rounds from the fbi armory
Bye but case fbi agent!! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!!
You know how not guys who fuck little boys would keep talking about shit on dicks. Nobody’s paying attention to you pedo.
Pedo Joseph Campbell really mad tonight for some reason
You don’t do anything at all. Bye pedo.
What’s a twink again Joey? Is it projection?