>A glorious day ahead of us, Anons!
>They call this gender reassignment procedure to try to make men become a woman…
blah blah…. start the executions
These shills are so fucking boring.
>What? Trump is literally supportive of abortion, le father of the vaccine, and supports gay marriage
>What are you smoking?
Good Q.
Trump appointed the SC justices who overturned Roe v Wade and celebrated this.
I have no fucking idea why he embraced the vaccine…. you win.
(We are 1-1).
He has not overtly embraced gay marriage.
He arguably believes that children should be raised by a father and a mother.
That is really the crucial issue.
If some performers wish to pound each other in the ass, maybe they are still good at what they do (performance-wise).
Abortion is an issue like slavery.
It was universal.
But you have to convince the majority that it is moraly wrong.
That happened with slavery, though it still exists.
But now the vast majority of Americans reject slavery as an inherent moral evil and take pride in the fact that our forebears sought to crush it.
Arguably, the majority of Americans see a moral issue in killing babies.
We need to work it.
And just because he raised a LGBT flag doesn't mean he embraces the T faggotry.
>How many of thos flags hung on Government buildings and embassy(s)
Many were hung but did Trump do it?
You can be against embracing moral perversion of one kind (trannyism/butt sex) while also being againt moral perversion of a different kind (tossing the fags off the roof).