Do Presidential pardons guard against Military Tribunals? Is Treason an act that can be pardoned? I don't think so.
And that is a question I posed below. Article II Section II para 1: and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
What a sham these motherfuckers pulled.
Always, without exception, directly opposite of the truth. No matter the issue.
Were these the only pardons? Garland? Smith? Wray? Comey? Strzok, Page, Brennan? And the rest?
>>22388396 that is interdasting as fuck. Wonder if that argument can be made in the SCOTUS?
Wouldn't the DIA be capable of picking up all of the C_A's missions and moving forward? Move tall that shit to the DIA and wipe the CIA from America.
And that is exactly what has happened. A "fraud" on the American people and our system of governance and rule of law.
You as well fren. Great day in America today!!!
>I think they have classified everything with NO END DATE
POTUS could take care of that very easily.
And that is where it will start if POTUS has the ballz to light the match. I don't know if he does or not. Would this be unifying? Success? Or as Denang Dickhead Blumenthal said when questioning Pam Bondi : Let the past be in the past and let us all move forward with today" or something to that extent.
Unifying? I give one rat's ass about unifying with anyone who has as their sole mission in life to destroy my country. Zero common ground. Not even our collective HEALTH was off limits with these evil motherfuckers.
Yea, what of it?
I asked the same thing above. Is the UCMJ subservient to pardons issued by the Commander in Chief? Other anon brought up "fraud" vitiates everything and the 2020 election was exactly that. Someone is going to have to light the fuse on this and I'm questioning whether or not my POTUS's ballz are big enough to do it or does everyone just walk away Scott Free in the interest of uniiiity and suuuuuccess? ?
To me, right is right. No matter the fallout or consequences. Truth over lies. Action over inaction. Either that, or sit down and STFU. Even for my POTUS.
And progressive. kek
Thank you Liz!!! You are a Patriot!!!
No, finish your PHD in 3 testicled Butterfly studies and their equitable and diversified inclusion to society at large. This is eminently more important. Don't worry about the 250k you borrowed from US. You want have to pay that back.
Hmm…………….I wonder why?
>Otherwise justice will only come the old school way
Or it doesn't. My bet is on the latter.
All I can do is smfh anon. I love my POTUS and support him vehemently but I don't even think he has to ballz to do this. "Great Disappoinment for Justice" will be fitting.
Sauce? Not in Article II.
From your keyboard to God's ears anon.
And not only unseat him, indict him, try him, convict him and sentence him to 25 years in Federal prison, no possiblity of parole. Revoke all benefits, pensions and seize all assets. Including family. This is will come to a screeching halt if faced with penalties like this. Same for any Dept. Head, Director or any other government employee elected or appointed. Call it the SWIFT Act.
Ever. She always looks stunning!!
Comission the work and start now!!!
History tells me they all walk away. Scott Fucking Free I'm sad to say. But I do pray you are right anon. Our POTUS is "unpredictable" in the best way.
Well, I seem to be quite chatty this morning. Beautiful day in AMERICA today!!!
And there's the State standing. Every damn bit of what they did went straight to the State level. All of it. This is a call for all Red State AG's to mount up and bring the fucking P-A-I-N. Decimate these motehrfuckers financially, personally and put them in State prison for life or in some of these cases, crimes against humanity warrants the death penalty.
>Let me be perfectly clear, Jon, I have committed no crime.
Then you will have no hesitancy in respectfully refusing the pardon Mr. Fauci?
You are correct about that anon.
That is true anon. Women are incredibly beautiful as they age and our FLOTUS is at the top of this wonder we call Women.
Yes, I believe so. They all need to have their collective asses handed to them. kek
Well, there it is anon. Not being sworn in. End of discussion. But…………… can bet your ass [THEY'LL] argue that!!! Joe runs again in '28. kek
Thank you Dan!!!
>Best to just leave 2020 as an issue to be debated in the history books, and move forward with the destruction of the deep state.
Okay Dick. Same then you said to Pam in the hearing last week. No, it's not best just to leave 2020. What do you think happens in the future? Guaranteed, same fucking thing. You're okay with that. We know.
They'll ceratinly make that arguement but as other anon noted, our POTUS was not certified nor was he sworn in. No way around that. Indictment for senate and congress members who certified the "Big Guy". Not to mention the "Emergency House Rule" Nan Nan implemented doing away with all certification objections.