Kinda looks like a young Pete Hogshead (sp?) right there.
My retired born-again teenager (aka father) has a health plan that gives him a $100 credit to buy supplements every quarter.
The CoQ10 prices on there are like 1/4 of what you can get from either Amazon/Swansons.
All he ever wants to order is ibuprofins so it's basically my credit.
Yet another reason I need to keep him alive alap.
Start a new one for Countdown to the End Of The Precipice.
>ok but what # to use???
Yeah, that's the tough part.
Prolly 33 days for symbolism will be their downfall and buffer time for PDJT's cabinet picks to get the boxes unpacked.
It was /pol/ that he said he was disappoint to not any of the 2 flavors of QR.
>football game
Lamar seems like a good dude, but he's fucked now.
That GOAT Choker he's wearing around his neck doesn't look like it will ever come off now.
>Trying to get moar eyeballs on Orban in order to have people see he's really not so bad and kinda makes a lot of sense
See what I mean?
Best /ourplant/ ever!
Yep, even the AI algos can see it.
>Tell it to do AOC at Chucky G's congressional bbq
Voila! There she is pictured next to a you guessed it - plant(s)!
>betards himself so hard he has to start f5'ing every post by a hash in order to find a ladder to get out of the self-dug hole
Stay classy, anon.