This memefag is now officially drunk.
This memefag needs to get out from here.
Or memefag will start engaging with the shills….. It's never pretty (though sometimes funny).
Godspeed anons. Hold The Line.
(This memefag really fucking needs to quit drinking…)
You seem to have fond memories of the fat one.
You represented it as your thumb, you sick faggot.
it was your meme…. You sick fucking pile of shit.
and now you rep with Lolly Pedo crap. Nice.
and… I care?
I am no fan of the Talmudic branch, they have a special place in hell, right next to you.
You don't fucking get it… It among actual Patriots, Among actual supporters of POTUS It is an Honor to be called out by the likes of you.
You will hang next to Hillary.
Did you not expect that in a memo about a deep state FUCKING PLANT???
Gotta wonder if you have ever actually read the crumbs?
and it is relevant to /qResearch/, how?
If you think that FoxConn is gonna save humanity. It is really time (you) leave.
The fact that (You) are directly talking to it, tells me that is time.
Love ya BO but, convo with the shill/spam AI_bot…. that's just fucking wrong.
Hesse the problem… You are one of [them] [you] think Hitler did nothing wrong.
Protestant, Actually. you stupid fuck.
You stand for everything POTUS and Q hate, generalization.
Ask yourself why the Jews got hold of central banking in the first place….. They were actually forced into the position by self righteous assholes who interpreted scripture to suit their own interests.
I am a baptist… And I believe in the word of God. You will Burn in hell.
Rofl…. Read the fucking word, understand the fucking word. Than kys.
e-bot confirms? Wow. I am old enough to remember when e-bot was our enemy. And now you follow it as an oracle. So sad.
But than again I am old enough to remember when BO was one of /us/.
Time has come.
1 Corinthians 13:11
Call me anything you want. I am right.
from what I have have witnessed 50% of the neo nazi bullshit shills are actually C_A shills…. less than 5% of those are honest bigots.
95% of those that oppose the Nazi bullshit are actually Anons that believe in something. (less than 3% are the Mossad bogyman the "JIDF" (if they even actually exist.)
And at this point I'm sorry, but BO is all in for the fucking C_A Clowns.
Q is going to call for a migration soon. HateChan is not the right place for this to be happening.
Right and hail Hitler while you are at it.
eternity in hell.
depends upon the translation.
(you) are about to lose control. 2018 is Glorious.
No Q did not choose 4Chan because you were a bunch of hate filled propaganda masters, It was simply because halfchan did not have the central censorship algorithm installed.
Q is done with that shit. Do you in your heart of hearts. think POTUS HATES the Jews?
If you really do, you shroud find the nearest doorknob.
Get on your knees and Pray. Shill.
and if you have any honesty in your bones. you will recognize Q has quoted Jeremiah 3:18 moar than once. Get on board, or get left behind.
absitively, but there comes a time when one must stand for truth.
And you don't seem to get it.
Why, because I mentioned God, or because I mentioned truth? (one in the same, in the end(
Romans chapter 14 +15…
(actually read the entire fucking book of Romans before pronouncing judgment on anyone, for anything. Whore.)
If you want any biblical credibility. you should stop. But it aint gonna help. They are late on the 111 day (well 1+2) quote… but I ain't gonna hold the team to a date,,,,
(typo it was 1-2 gime a clockfag that can make sense of that,. and I may stand with a clockfag.
At This point I can not stand with BO or with any (Most) of the BVs that sand against GOD.
OMFG!!!!! DJT IS TALKING TO A JEW!!!!!!! I guess it is time to GASS DJT!!!!
I understand that [they] shoved a deep state stool pigeon up Trumps campaign. If (you) have fingerlings for Carter or Paul, I'm really, sorry, but they are both traitors, and they both deserve whatever they get.
Forget the worship of e-bot.
What drives me apeshit about this board is how the fuck any of you Deep State dipsticks could give a flying fuck The Plants…. Q said it as loud as day.
>Manafort was a plant.
>Carter Page was a plant.
Yet so many dipshits wanna yell and scream about Q being fake because those two are in custody….
Read the fuckin bread, just like (I believe it was you) the other day "Nobody wants to kill all the jews) read the fucking bread. LARP Danial, has professed his undying love for e-bot. (The irony of that alone is cause for alarm) Read the fucking bread before you say I am being an alarmist. Dipshit.