Q very early on dropped the crumb that people in our govt. worship Satan.
That rang a loud & clear warning to those Mafkers thatt heir days were numbered & an Apocalypse was indeed coming.
I have had a NDE & I can tell you God is real 100%. I experience shit that a chemical brew of neurotransmitters in a dying brain cannot explain away
I was "told" (for lack of better words that I still had work to do & that I had to come back.
The GA is that work.
Of that I am sure.
I was also sexually abused by a perverted uncle as an 8-9 year old.
God is Love beyond what mere Words can ever describe.
The fact that POTUS recites the Prayer at top of every bread sends shivers down my spine.
(((They))) have no idea what awaits them when they leave this realm.
You don't kill POTUS' friends & expect to get away with it.
Just imagine if you can, the quadrillion times wrath (((they))) face when they have to face God & answer to their crimes against His Most Precious Gift To US, Our Children.
Woe to (((Them))), the millstone factory is having difficulties meeting demand.
GodSpeed Anons, We are helping God in this realm, He appreciates our perseverance.