He's not a bot.
I hope you realize that is the same AI that started off claiming you are AI. Notice how it has "learned"? It's now using religion.
(You) are adjusting very quickly.
Kewl. I enjoy asking it questions, just to fuck with it, kek.
>you can't fake sincere humanity
Verify you are sincere human.
Do you feel cold when on fire?
Not answered. Not AI. Too stupid for AI. Can not answer basic human questions.
Do you know what is projection? That is (you).
back off anon. I'm screwing with the AI bot.
>Humans work with CONNOTATION and CONTEXT– you CAN'T.
You are wrong. That is why humans can spot you as AI. Humans have feelings, emotions. You never will. You fail to duplicate humans.
Is there a Judicial Review Board that we can make complaints to? Those judges need to be removed from the bench, imo.
ThanQ for the reply. I doubt Congress would go to the extreme of impeachment. I think more important at this point is to change the rules regarding the FISA Court and applications for warrants. (I know, I'm just dreaming).