>FOP - Friend of Pedophile: protects them at high levels, grants them prestige by association points at functions and parties, opens doors for them, makes connections for them
>PE - Pedo Enabler. These will mostly be women. They associate with the pedo, usually in public and online, drawing him friends and "allies" and helping brainwash the public into what is hoped will be future pedophilia acceptance. They invite the pedo to their runway appearances, parties, concerts and foundations. There will be many famous female names in this category.
>PR - Pedo Resourcer. These names will surprise you. They are not celebrities to you but they are to our side: content officers, vice presidents of production, vice presidents of acquisitions and development departments, network executives. These are the most powerful and important names beneath politician names that we can give you. If interested your task here will be to find non-pedo related but ugly ugly dirt on these people or to help expose the dirt on them we bring you. Most of this dirt will not be pedophiliac but some of it will. The goal is to discredit and remove this list of people because these are the ones who party with pedos and directly put their cp films and tv shows on the air, such as Steven Universe, Super Drag, Desire and more. Netflix is for one full of such people.