There hasn't been a legit election for a very long time. Possibly never.
Glad pillow guy hasn't wigged out and deleted the board yet.
Jay. I don't do telegram. Why should I have to have it to do your system?
Maybe Toots lil Fighter is still alive just like JFK, Jr. One can hope.
Won't believe Trump is in charge until comments are turned on.
That's a huge drop. Why did the wife quit working?
Jay. I don't do telegram. How do I quantumly get around this?
If you know the language Q has been posting here the whole time.
Didn't Stalin do this. I would hate to be the first person to stop clapping.
Does the history bother you or is it just the question? Very sensitive for someone that has been here for so long.
Anyone that filters here is a shill. Let the chaos flow.
Wow. That's harsh forcing some actor clown to go in front of actor clowns.
Q was clear about filtering.