She knows how to troll them, just like Trump.
They think alike.
How can the Left attack her and not look like hypocrites?
She knows how to troll them, just like Trump.
They think alike.
How can the Left attack her and not look like hypocrites?
Mexico should be part of the US as well.
All of North and Central America should be part of the US.
The US should extend all the way down to the Equator.
Houses of Worship.
Tell that to all of the Black ladies who wear a hat in church.
Women are supposed to keep their heads covered in church.
This Hat etiquette is bullshit when it comes to women.
It only applies to men, or women who are in the military.
No pardons for Juice.
He was spawned from a Satanic family and was handed his wealth as a face for DARPA, just like Zuckerfuck.
Morans with masks to match their outfits.