So you want a king and are an enemy to the constitution.
You mean the United States, where there is a constitution you are an enemy of?
I'm here because I want to be. A "forever president" is a king, we don't do those here. Anyone who wants to ignore the constitution is an enemy to the constitution.
He's absolutely correct though. Those who claim authority over you deny Him in you. Those who deny Him come in the flesh, us, and claim royal authority over us (Him) are antiChrist.
> anyone who is a king is an anti-christ
They literally are, by definition. They deny Christ in you. When a Son sets you free, you are free indeed. Those who claim royal authority over you deny Him in you.
Again, yes it literally does by definition.
Like the pharisees to Jesus, you don't want to hear Truth.
Anon, ANYONE who claims royal authority over you is by very definition anti-Christ. Jesus set us free, when a son sets you free you are free indeed. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
I haven't condemned anyone, have any sauce for that claim?
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty. All authority in heaven and earth was given to Him, and He said we are One in Him. No one person is above another, by very definition anyone claiming royal authority over you claims it over Him, they are anti-Christ. I'm sorry you don't like the Truth but that is the Truth.
They are anti-Christ. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. When a son sets you free, you are free indeed. I tell you the Truth.
I tell you the Truth, telling the Truth is not condemnation. Anyone claiming royal authority over any person denies Him in that person, denying Him come in the flesh. They are anti-Christ. I do not condemn them, I simply state the Truth.
When a son sets you free, you are free indeed.
Many anti-Christs have come. Remember, God was angry the people wanted a king. Jesus set us free. No kings. He is King of kings and Lord of lords, but to us, not a king or a lord, He calls us brothers and sisters. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
By very definition, kings are anti-Christ, denying Him in you claiming royal authority over you.
Notice you consistently accuse me for telling you the Truth.
What did Jesus say when Pilate said "Then you are a king!"?
He is coming with the clouds, but don't look to the sky! When Jesus sits on His throne is when power is returned to the people. No kings, no "royal authority" as We are One in Him. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.
Conveniently everyone who tells Truth you don't want to hear is a script right? kek