What was that movie where the Mafia Boss guy was in church for a baptism or something while his enemies were getting "dealt with?"
What was that movie where the Mafia Boss guy was in church for a baptism or something while his enemies were getting "dealt with?"
supposed "Far Right"
Actually normal American Common Sense.
Propagandists mislabel things, so you stop knowing what you are talking about.
Trump's program is 'middle of the Road"
Thats why the votes.
America heartland is not Nazi Germany (who were also under the same Propaganda control the Dems tried to muster here. And were successful for decades)
As much as the "Play Pretend" people, who think men can will themselves to change into Woman, would love to have that play-make-believe, be accepted as fact.
Wehrmacht Germany probably didn't vote in Adolf either.
Vote Cheating didn't begin yesterday.