What's the energy emergency?
Sure hope there is one in there abolishing the IRS.
Don't these reporters know how to have a conversation?
He is signing to leave the WHO and the reporters show no interest.
These reporters ignored gender EO?
Herd them like sheep.
check it out.
Free energy.
Where do I apply?
And the reporters glazed right past that.
It's sad about Gaza. Sounds like it is going to be a nice resort town soon. Most people are dead there so says the boss.
No. I also don't see much change happening. The government parasite drones may look at them. I doubt it.
holds the pen wrong.
He's gonna starve the rats out. Yet we all knew this should have been done the first time he was in office. Why didn't he do that then?
If the war hasn't already been hot it's gonna get real hot.
Abolish the IRS and I'll know today was a good day.
Nice. The villain of the story is gonna stick around.
need a live stream