Intersting headline. who was fired?
woah, who's balls? Tranime? Kidding, Jim is my dude. Love that guy.
fucking Wheels fag. fuck off Wheels you fucking retarded idiot. crip walk your crippled ass over to the nearest dick and swallow it.
There's that ladyface I missed. Nice haircut, did Stevie Wonder do that shit? Cant stand that bitch.
I like you in Harry Potter, Emma
depends on the perspective, no?
Yes! Remember that plz. We're in the mist of that rn.
Every Anon should take note. This is an infiltration war. Read up on how Washington's Spies won the war.
It's a bit more complex than that. The US Constitution is a pamphlet sized document that has been the basis and construction for our Republic.
Absolutely, and that's why we must pray for even our so called enemies.
It's really not. Read the Federalist Papers.
If it was that simple the Federalist Papers would not need to have been written.
I was the guy that killed our so called enemies. I prayed for their souls every day. Only God knows the absolute Truth.
Most ppl won't tell you what it's like but praying for those that will kill you wasn't common. Took years to become that person but I'm glad I did. We are all God's people and everyone can be saved. No matter what.
logically that makes sense but in reality, they can do it immediately. we have a million locations they can drop from. you can't throw a rock in the DC Metro without hitting a SCIF or SAP-F. My guess is they are plugged in and waiting on orders from the Boss.
They have the most power. For those that don't know, SES is a General equivalent for the Federal Service. The Space Force, for example has a 50/50 mil/civ make up. I'm guessing. It's nothing like most branches.
yes they can if they convert. you ever read the bible? every person can be saved. you confused by this, you don't think God has the power to save whatever human soul he deems worthy of salvation? God has restrictions now on His power? Check yourself, Anon before you try to get to overly weedy and gay. You know my basic point is True. Argue the fine details some place else if you want to be annoying.
Salvation decides chaff or wheat. We still have free will.
We get it Atheist, you believe in Nothing and have nothing in your "not" soul. It's sad and we'll pray for you.
so we should not read the Bible? News to me and billions WW. i suggest you read it over and over.