im probably reading it wrong but are you saying you were involved in DS shenanigans?
IMO, we need Q. It's like our North Star. People get silly without direction.
why do you say that?
for sure early anons were doing that. are you referring to Qs posts on here that were deleted?
yes, you're probably correct. some have been on both sides of good and evil. obviously good after evil. God is amazing and can do the unimaginable. I used to pray that God would visit them in a dream or something and convince them to lay down their arms and leave before we killed them. who knows if it ever happened.
Signing out. Later Night Shift. Always a pleasure hanging with you Anons. This board is a national treasure and maybe just saved America.
probably had their phone is airplane mode and or a faraday case and never got the call. many of us did that. 9 seconds makes sense for the full ring and voicemail. there was no way to hear anyone at that time and most of the cell service was down intermittently.
if you were there, you understand what I'm talking about. thats why many of us had radios and back up comms.