>owned by central banks
>bought back under heel
<under *national heel
>unaccountable regulators
<*supranational [above/outside national] regulators
If regulations aren't national law.. those regulations are toilet paper.. no treaty with b.i.s.?
>they have 197 nations
<197 central banks
[Globalists own dragons dens of fiat.
Greedy is an evil deadly sin. ]
Replacment migrations not just about the birth rate..
Replacement voters
Voters -government -> pillage a country
>fact checkers
<pinning the fiction tail on the factual donkey/elephant/animal/metaphor
<check ..check mate
<he also frequents QRG
<if he broadcasts/publicizes the degeneracy then we can rehab him in our own friendly banter ways
>raised arm
<are lefties reminded of past hits not sending lubs from heart
<many have arm batwings maybe they haven't seen barbells or done the Y.M.C.A.
Certain food livery businesses have possibly patented a progress bar of pathway along the route from start to complete