Tranime will be back soon.
He always does the 1 month here 2 months away at some furry convention or something.
Tranime will be back soon.
He always does the 1 month here 2 months away at some furry convention or something.
You rang?
Mega dittos.
I would have thought the butterface model would be the entry level that we proles could barely afford.
Not Bezos tho - he should be walking around with the Emerald Deluxe package with all that fuck you $ he has.
Let's do a better job of due diligence before releasing them into the wild, meme soldier.
No biggie only your frens seen't version 1 not the blue hair Karens out in public.
I think that Q drop was foreshadowing that many would escape official justice.
However, just like OJ, did they really escape it?
>it will happen fast
>drip drip drip FLOOD
Clockfags never did confirm which one but the sit rep to date seems to indicate the latter.
Yeah, they'd have to shut it down if they've reached the level of compd to where they sue to have people's civil liberties revoked.
Doesn't count until it gets past the muh sources whispered stage.
>Q upon a return
Ok, anons, Q&A what mysteries do you want to have revealed first?
>QR Board War addicts
Q, was Tubbs the Mimic???