Someone should repost the White House spanish page 404 link that baker ignored.
That shit was notable and hilarious.
Someone should repost the White House spanish page 404 link that baker ignored.
That shit was notable and hilarious.
>It's fucking -12 outside this morning, I mean what the fuck
Wait until it gets 20 below.
That's when you try to open your wiper fluid reservoir cap and the plastic just shatters in your hand.
>no shit?
>well, then what?
Bring it inside to thaw it out.
Or just fire up the wood stove.
The one that they've been trying to ban for decades, and toss some soft coal in there just for the extra sulfur smell.
>Or 40 below and the defroster cracks the windshield.
Anon had that habben a few years ago.
>At this point, what options does DS have aside from "missing nuke"?
With 90 day pause on "foreign aid", not much other than just tighten belt and wait it out.
Unfortunately, Trump is going to audit where DS pushed out all those billions just before potato left office.