Only the people who were on board to destroy America have been working in this country for a very long time. Libtards everywhere, and in local government jobs. They did everything they could to make sure we did not work: DEI hires, H1bs, hiring of illegals, hirings based on ethnicities, woke management and their discriminating policies, even mentally handicapped and the criminal minds over normal Americans. Americans were told and asked questions that were designed to disqualify them regardless of their answers as a tactic:
Why do you want to work here?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What are your 3 greatest strengths?
What are your 3 greatest weaknesses?
and so on.
Any answer can be turned around to give them an excuse that you are not a cultural fit.
We are also subjected to levels of indirection:
automated websites
no hiring manager names
no hiring managers phone numbers
premises lockdown with security
no reply emails
foreign recruiters
foreign testing partners
implementation partners HR
client on premise HR
all to protect the hiring managers by levels of indirection
This is a bigger problem than anyone of you can imagine.