Softbank is a BRIICS venture run by India and China.
MRNA is a fake science. Ivermectin works because they have created a bioweapon from fossilized Beetle larva which is what we call China dust. People are attacked with this dust, Covid is not a virus as it could not be replicated in a petri dish. China used bats because bat dung is highly nutritious to beetle larva and their piles naturally become loaded with them and worms. I am the Eggman, they are the Eggmen, I am Epstein, Do not be Goo Joo Ga Chubbed.
>>22406008 pb
I am always right. From day one, I said 911 was a financial attack, I was also right on 12-27-19 when I said a fake pandemic, toxic vaccines, and riots were imminent. That Americans will be censored, blacklisted, and that the anti-white movement is at our door steps.
We do not have time for anymore games with these clowns, they just tried to genocide us. MRNA is going down a false science path. They will speak and inch over your head with medical jargon and you will all drown in ignorance.