>>22406027 lb/pb
>Really? Then what's the point of a pardon if you've done nothing wrong?
That would be best discussed with the parties to the pardon, Anon.
The US Supreme Court had long recognized the legality of presidential pre-emptive pardons.
Ex parte Garland was cited earlier. There is some debate about the degree of expungement of presidential pardons.
'Assuming the recognized limitations are not transgressed, a full pardon granted by the President and accepted by its subject prevents or removes any of the penalties and disabilities consequent upon conviction . . . . In several nineteenth-century cases, the Supreme Court suggested that a pardon broadly obviates all legal guilt of the offender, effectively erasing the crime from existence. Subsequent cases appear to have backed away from this understanding, suggesting instead that, although a full pardon precludes punishment for the offense in question, a prior and pardoned offense may still be considered in subsequent proceedings.'
Article II, Section 2, Clause 1
ArtII.S2.C1.3.1 Overview of Pardon Power