Arrests have to wait until after mid terms now. Every election would be sued to delay to 2020 otherwise. The only thing to do is get the public off the TV tit and realize the lies they were sold. Once midterms are over, it happens. This is all prelude.
Lots of people want him dead, safest place would be in the same position as Flynn, or military custody. A positive thing if they keep him away from a jail.
They faded to 404s all through yesterday evening. Check last nights breads for discussion of what to put in place when they all finally expired. No fuckery.
$ du -hs qmirror102G qmirror
Xapian for searching works pretty well. It's not google, but better then grep.
There is also
Great to find if a name or link has already been posted before demanding it's new and notable.
Were you here last night? FISA warrant? renegade with hollywood pedo dump?
Getting tired of gas station gut bombs and McDonalds, I bet.
The ones still there are on a different board than /qresearch
Learn how things work before declaring them broken.