Riccardo Bosi 'Final Phase 1.21.25' - Game Over! It's All About to Blow Up!
I havent listened yet. Don’t know what it is. Just seen’t his name n cliqued.
We possess qualities most hoomans don’t or sumpin like that, he says.
Says we survived the toughest psyop in history
>>22407606 (me)
Ok.. nah.. he mentions real raw news as if it’s real.
We didn’t just “survive the toughest psyop in history” to then turn around n listen to RRN.
That doesn’t mean shit. His mom is comped.
His father is Q+, dumbass
We’re always waiting for something
Because Anons would know if Q poasted. Personally I think the DNA one is fake Q n real Qs last poast was Durham n i poasted a TON of my DNA resurch before that poast. Meaning if anyone would like that poast, it would be this Anon, but I think that’s fake Q. So idk. The poast you showed me did not sound like Qevel intelligence to me.. it sounded like a simpleton attempting to trick people to thinking it was Q.
Maybe you’re right BUT I DONT THINK SO. Is that alright with you, or do I need to change so that u can feel better?
Information warfare, faggot.
Plus, real Q would tell us if there were boatd issues n Q would tell whomever to straighten the fuck out. Imo. What u showed me doesn’t sound like Q level comms, IMO.
If they’re good people, I’m sure they’ll understand.
6th Gen warfare: hoomans vs AI
The Great Reset- slavery via digital currency and bill gates patent 2020060606 via chinee CCP social credit score
Sorry for red tecs.
We need to say HELL NO. We want our own US gold backed tangible money.
The brain chip guy isDARPA
DARPA IS 200% a transhumanist org. We need to wake every one up.
6th gen warfare
Brain chip is outdated by 65 years, at least. You can see byDARPA’s N3which isBI-DIRECTIONALwhich means you will be RECEIVING your thoughts from AI without even realizing they aren’t even your own thoughts n they’re being fed to you. This is MIND CONTROL.
We need to wake everyone up out of their infatuation with the devil.
We have to wake up the musk idolaters out of their stupor. You NEVER love an abuser, that’s Stockholm syndrome. U don’t give the enemy room to breathe, you don’t sleep on the enemy. (Not you, just in general) PEOPLE HAVE TO WAKE UP TO WHAT ELON IS if we want to save humanity. They have to see through his charming, nice guy, heroic facade. Drill baby drill doesn’t mean tesla. >>22407995
Any survivor knows you don’t sleep on the enemy and psychopaths can’t be dealt with via love. Some evil cannot be destroyed via love.
I mean is this fukken psyop shit for real or not, cuz I’m there.
Past 7 years was the training to weed out the weaklings. The unfatigable have been selected n now the rubber meets the road for the real battle. Hoomans vs AI. We exposed Covid under Trump, now we’re at level 50, ready to take down the nemesis. Ya hurd me? I know u know.
Call me.