i nominate this info for inclusion in globals
>he’s got skeletons in the closet…. Soon
funny how female "musicians" can only make music if they're dressed like $2 whores
i have to sleep in short shifts these days…
fighting demons is a 24hr job
good thing i'm always surrounded by cats, loyal dogs, and spouseanon while i'm OBE'ing
>you can just pardon me
i feelz ya, anon
but i wouldn't count on that pardon
and that's assuming you survive to be arrested
>See? Anonymous are a controlled opposition psyop
IDK… maybe read between the lines?
the US corporation IS dead
long live the republic
>Rare occurrence
"rare" implies it HAS happened before, and LONG before weather manipulation tech existed
logic much?
>she had to work harder in the White House as Press Secretary because she is a ‘black’, ‘queer’, ‘immigrant.’
ALL immigrants had to work harder when they first got here to prove themselves
get over it, whiny bitch