Like COVID numbers, but for deportations. Those would be nice updates.
Yeah, investing in the future of the country and setting it up to be a world leader in an industry blazing the trail. Are you incapable of thinking outside of short-term individual gain or speaking as an individual rather than a collective?
So you're upset because you don't see any short-term personal gain from a deal that benefits the entire country's future? You smell all wrong, l'il guy.
That's a doom and gloom over simplification.
>Upset about what?
These are your words, right?
>I truly would like to know so I can see a small semblance of hopium.
Why do you need to see short-term personal gain for hopium, and yes upset was the proper word to use if you're complaining about it.
Well that was easy enough.
That's not smart dust.
I never said that. You gonna answer the question? Whose we?
Hold my beerโฆ
I'll bite. Actually, when I did drink, I preferred Canadian beer made from glacier water.
KEK. There's one. Where's his little psychotic failure of a coworker? Knew I'd get the little tards out with a single pepe.
I used to be quite fond of it, only drinking 6 cases per week. Haven't drank one in over 15 years though.
Identifying clown trait. If you're honest, what have you to hde, you're fucking anonymous. The only purpose IP hopping serves these days is to give the appearance of consensus because lies need a lot of that.
Then the anonymity itself is a lie and IP hopping is just a method to cope.
Quiet, little Simple Legion. You'll never be me. And so long as you copy mannerisms in an effort to deceive others I will always call you out on it.
They why do the smartest anons get copied by the IP hoppers? If smart anons IP hop then why is it the clowns you see continually doing it? If smart anons IP hop then why are you IP hopping to try and generate consensus by making rules out of thin air? You're a failure.
>never was a big movie guy.
Spent more time watching movies over the course of my life than regular TV. Two VCR's hooked together before the macrovision protection were some of my favorite toys when I was a kid. Would spend my allowance mostly every week on blank VHS tapes to record movies on that I'd spend the rest of the allowance on to rent. Had quite the collection of movies for a kid.
That is funny though. NATO gives the appearance that it is all the main characters fighting an underdog fight against evil tyrannical empires, when it fact it's just appears to be a tentacle of the globalist deep state and military industrial complex, with it's own agenda seemingly exempt from oversight.
It's like the race to the moon that Kennedy started. Kind of.