a sitting POTUS may bitch slab a journalist with impunity most legal scholars would agree. What happens after POTUS leaves office is where jurisprudential scholars begin to disagree.
Some authorities hold that the injured bitch slappee may file civil criminal charges and sue for damages after the POTUS leaves office.
For this reason, Anon & Paytriot Legal Services recommend that a sitting POTUS hit smirking slappees hard enough to "spin their tattoos." This causes the slapee second thoughts, which for them are first thoughts; and they seldom choose pursue legal action
I'm going to guess this Brit has obtained US Citizenship under false pretense. Infiltrator, saboteur, slanderer.
Ben Santar and a colleague in the small, filthy "climate lab" at East Anglia University came up with, maintained and suppressed and destroyed contrary evidence for "anthropogenic global warming(c)" now "Climate Change(c)"
In Dante's Inferno, slanderers are punished in the Eighth Circle of Hell, specifically in the second pit, where they are submerged in a river of human excrement; this punishment is due to the deceitful and harmful nature of slander, which is considered a form of fraud and treachery