Wait, isn't today the day the DEI shit was supposed to end? Forecast for salt. Lots of salt.
KEK. This is VaticanClown, every bread.
You're dividing by trying to claim theological superiority over others. Later, chuckles.
Did you get that from the Kamala Word Salad Scramble app? That's the emptiest platitude I've heard in a while.
I'm not attacking him, there's nothing there to attack. I'm having a laugh at hi expense. Something different. If others choose to laugh at him too then all the worse for him.
So now you're hiding behind scripture? Am I getting that right? You offer an empty platitude and when called out on it you hide behid some passages completely unrelated to the discussion you and I began? That's what I thought. Better luck next time.
What truth are you posting though? You're making claims without substance and then hiding behind scripture and claiming you're better than the church because you follow Jesus.
I had a hunch on that one, don't normally go into that subject area.
>Notice you can't attack the message, so you accuse the messenger.
No, dick lips, I'm going after your message, so drop the persecution complex. Who are you to judge religious denominations and consider yourself superior to them? Seriously. Why is how you believe better than how everyone else believes?
What truth are you telling though? You can't even explain that. And I'm not judging you. Again this is about the ideas you're posting yet you seem to be taking that personally.
Did he just try to exempt himself from being questioned by comparing himself to Jesus? He hasn't said a damn thing.
>You can't say you're not judging me while simultaneously accusing me of judging for saying all denominations are false.
I can precisely say I'm not judging you and say I'm making an observation that you're judging other denominations, claiming your way is better. What makes how you believe better than how other people believe? You can't even answer that.
> I didn't claim my way is better,
Now you're circle-jerking. Yes you did. That's why I engaged you in the first place. Claiming the church is shit and you're a true follower of Christ. You keep claiming truth but you've yet to post any.
Because, uh, if I was Jesus in this day and age, I wouldn't want to divide the denominations any further than they already are by claiming they're wrong and I'm right. I'd want them to come together. Who gives a fuck how you believe if you believe? The result is the same. The common denominator between all religions is faith. That makes them all more alike then they may realize.