To force the discussion of inclusion.
Critical thinking is a must here at the Kun, please don't post until you have spent some time exercising your cranial synapses.
To force the discussion of inclusion.
Critical thinking is a must here at the Kun, please don't post until you have spent some time exercising your cranial synapses.
- allow reservoirs and fire ponds to run dry
- allow property and casualty insurers to exit the state market
- Stop maintenance of fire breaks
- get an illegal to light fires during the west to east hot air wind storms
- Hire ignorant candidates because they are LGBTQ…blah blah to run infrastructure
- All local executive politicians leave the country
They already did that, then they called it "the democrat party"
If they name it democracy, it is actually communism and facism
Shhhhhhh, the newbs and journos think they deserve a drop
Psychopathy is a rare resource, why waste it on serial killers, when you can supply mass shootings and false flags.