what say you
>Remember this, those people that he pardoned are now mandated, because they got a pardon, to testify, and they can't take the Fifth.
that sounds yuge
This was on tv just now?
>our democraycray
fucking shill trash
that or contempt
and with contempt they can keep you in jail until you stop being contemptful
it's still fucking lies, no matter how many times you post shit sauce
what massacre? the fan thing?
>Act like Trump, we'll all be rich
the yougay establishment has already shown that they'll flush that country's economy into the shitter for their nasty goals. They already did that with covid
And that pathetic fucking state has yet to even recover from that
Enemy of freedom, nuke it from orbit to be sure.
Kash seems like an american who's indian. Vivek seems like an indian in america.
It's day 2 anon. Give it a couple of weeks would you?
>please hurry. I have this crippling urge to fondle balls.
yeah it's funny but your T is 1/3 your grandfather's tho