G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.
Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.
>Think I need some double dark roast today
I like the way you think, I would have to agree with your DDR choice.
God Bless the swordAnon.
>Not only do they arrive at the same time every morning to announce their arrival with the same copy pasta, they reply to each other multiple times with the exact same copy pasta. Like fucking robots. "Please pass the covfefe dark roast"
>Absolute fucking robotic OCD glowies
Considering the fact that we have no idea who the other Anons are, we can appreciate the other Anons who are, and have been here since the very beginning. Your point would be valid if those Anons sought the attention, but they never have. If having appreciation is a crime, then I would be guilty. There are those Anons that try to demand attention but they are never criticized. Why?