why was last bread locked?
>Israeli-owned and Israeli-flagged tonnage will remain targets.
What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud
It felt to me like a bazooka — and sounded like a cannon.
One day after 49 people were killed in the Orlando shooting, I traveled to Philadelphia to better understand the firepower of military-style weapons and, hopefully, explain their appeal to gun lovers.
But mostly, I was just terrified.
>McAfee account lights up
>Marco Rubio headed to Panama
>Pretty rare to catch anything from Russia on public radar.
To gun lovers, you can’t even have an opinion on assault rifles — unless it’s theirs. Here’s the proof
The gun debate is also a gender war.
In all my years in journalism — coming up on 30 (thanks) — I have never received so much angry mail as I did after yesterday’s story, “What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud.”
I don’t mind spirited debate, but many correspondents told me that even expressing an opinion about today’s high-powered weaponry is off-limits to those of us who don’t own such guns.
To reiterate, the goal of the story was simply to share with readers my experience of firing an AR-15, which very few of them have done. I found the sheer power of the weapon horrifying. I found the noise deafening and anxiety provoking. I was frightened by its potential for rapid, catastrophic, Orlando-like carnage with similiar weaponry. Using an AR-15 made me irritable and jittery for hours afterwards. To me, it felt like a bazooka.
sanpaku eyes
PLAYBOY: Did hip-hop help elect President Obama?
COMBS: I think we are probably responsible for Obama being in office, yes. If nobody else is gonna say it, then I’m gonna say it. The confidence, the swagger we instilled in our communities made that possible.
PLAYBOY: You’ve met Obama, right?
COMBS: I met him twice. I ain’t gonna lie—if God said I could pick one person to be my father, I’d want to be Sean Combs Obama. That’s how dope he is. [laughs] I hope he reads this interview and adopts me. I wouldn’t even have to be in the will. I got my own money!
Obama: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"