New game in town.
The alt media needs to play tapes of Democrat leadership pledges of "bipartisanship" then list all the blocking tactics, wrap up smears, and outright opposition to the things Trump was elected to fix. Show their hypocracy to their faces, just like Trump did in his inauguration speech.
Since I figured the Q were keeping quiet for a couple of reasons:
1) They were actively being hunted by the BiteMe storm troops.
2) They didn't want the 'QANON' news threads to explode again and potentially derail Trump's reelection.
I am hoping for at least a victory lap of Q posts.
But, since the Q's current tasks are numerous, they are likely busy getting things behind the scenes put back in order, and posting may not occur, again, so as not to have 'QANON' nonsense in the fake media distract from the current mission.
The Q may have complete their purpose with their posts (you have more than you know) and may not ever post again.
QResearch has degenerated into a chat/shilltard room, anyway, (few real digs, irregular appearance of dank memes, hopefully some sincere prayers) so it may be the Q have no desire to come back here. The fact that Jim was talking about shuttering the site some time ago, tells me that the Q have made no requests to him to keep it going.
So this place will limp along as usual until someone decides it doesn't make economic sense anymore and pulls the plug.