tyvm, ebaker
Trump passes the pen he signed the JFK declass EO with and says: "Give that to RFK Jr."
>follow the pen
tyvm, ebaker
Trump passes the pen he signed the JFK declass EO with and says: "Give that to RFK Jr."
>follow the pen
authentic Epstein list?
2 weeks
which part of "WE HAVE IT ALL" do you not understand?
>Please repost
ok, see >>22420336
follow the pen
Trump passes the pen he signed the JFK declass EO with and says: "Give that to RFK Jr."
watch 5:03
Trump also signed a set of pardons for23peaceful pro-life protesters
watch at the beginning of the vid!
>>22420644 me
he asked "how many"
>>22420872 me
you see how easy it is to fake the Q
fuck you imposter wanna be Q shit fuck
and you are all faggots
here you can see an anon with a brian
some days ago the Q imposter was even notabled
real notables (called out and 2ndd) don't even make it
wtf is going on here