>Delta smelt
Today is the seven-year delta of the first time Q posted the Our Movement vid.
>Delta smelt
Today is the seven-year delta of the first time Q posted the Our Movement vid.
DJT calls out Benny Johnson…kek
>“I’ve had to do a lot of soul searching and reading about it to not feel like I’ve failed as a mom,” said Ms. Behr, who adopted Eli from China when he was 10 months old. In tearful therapy sessions
She saved her son from a communist shithole… and he gets it, she doesn't.
The Legacy/FNMedia is not even remotely reporting the Trump 2.0 Flood the Zone onslaught. These local operatives literally seem to have no fucking clue what they are up against.
>Even the small one crave power, think HOA!
>Wonder what this is all about?
Not necessarily lizard people with space lasers.
Could just be totally amoral fucks who see a nice looking young chick who seems compromised and think they can explioit it to bang her and now they are nervous about getting exposed when it didn't totally work.
Some thinkers embrace a Golden Mean between opposing extremes.
It is fucking excellent.
I could be naive, but I get the idea that Q didn't "make" that but rather discerned the excellence.
>‘ordered to the human person’
If they crucify this faggot upside down, maybe I will have respect.