>Not sure you fags want to hear it tho.
Can't wait to see the report.
March 9th
This feels like a fuck you.
>[Empty Callsign]
Probably not getting those Epstein lists or 9/11 truth, maybe time to move out of the country, gold trim and all.
No like Canton Ohio where they breed slaves.
We're all slaves, the military isn't in control.
Trump was in the club and has arrested 0 club members.
Trump visiting the disaster zone created by the military that lobbed a fucking hurricane at people their slave owners wanted to kill for lithium deposits.
They'll probably lob a fucking hurricane at you or burn your house down with a fucking DEW, maybe build a bit underground.
>wake up the Libtards
They're lobbing fucking hurricanes and starting fires. This isn't about waking people up anymore.
I wonder how many plan trusters are dead in NC?