Dear Trump and his associates: It's time to stop listening to the neo-cons, entirely. America will never be great again if we are bogged down with endless wars. Time to end them, even if we have to abandon allies to do so! Tired of it, and so are so many other Americans. Bring the troops home, cut off ALL war funding indefinitely under your administration and focus on helping out our middle class, our working class, small businesses and farmers!
Then abolish FEMA already.
Non-stop tit for tat going on between the Russians and Ukrainians. Will not stop until one side runs out of supplies or both cooperate to negotiate. Otherwise not our problem.
Those people need to start being fired and their security clearances revoked too.
To make America really great again we need to start enforcing Anti-trust laws and break up the biggest conglomerate hedge funds, we need to bring back fair competition to the market place, small local family-run businesses, help our farmers produce at max capacity once again, bring back consumer choice and cut out the bloated bureaucracy and lower taxes for smaller businesses and taxpayers! You cannot have America back without the free market and consumer choice, where everyone can compete on an equal playing field.
One significant past time of Americana was the ability to go from town to town and see all the local small businesses, the proliferation of local production and consumer choice in the market place, ma & pa diners, small but luxurious independent hotels everywhere for travelers and tourists, small local farmers markets galore, small independent auto-repair shops, gun stores, thrift shops, local banks etc. We must bring that back. THAT was part of the American experience and way of life.