Just no. They give themselves a label line auditor, then they go film women employees in such a stalky creep way as to make the women afraid enough to call for help.
And provoking the police response on purpose. The cops are then on the spot between protecting the stalked women and the ‘ahem’ ‘auditors’ right to be a creepy stalker.
It’s a rapey power play with a cell phone by Ben with no moral compass. They never film construction workers or road crew. Only the poor frightened female postal clerks or dmv workers.
Cops have to investigate who is filming them because of the likelihood of stalking and ambush that has cost many their lives. Of course once they find out it’s an ‘ahem’ ‘auditor’ they can chalk him up as just an asshole provocateur and not someone they once arrested who is now out for revenge.
They are bullies with cell phones.
Just because you legally can call someone a nigger doesn’t mean you aren’t the sleaziest type of asshole when you do.
Advice to ‘ahem’ ‘auditors’. Pick on men. Let’s see you film a state road crew I dare you. Instead of always allays stalking the women workers. Fucking rapists without balls to act out their rapeyness, just cell phones in lieu of.