Watching it now. He's bringing hope and emotional comfort to those people. Contrast that to how Biden would handle it, making himself the center of attention and working in how Beau died as if they just need to relate to his past pain to alleviate their own.
Yeah, the "sieg heil" and Elon salute at the end really sold the idea that they're patriots.
I'm joking about the Elon salute part. Thought it was humorous in my head but seeing it on screen, not so much.
Either that or the retard who oversees that NPC is sleeping.
Patience, anon.
Ah, there he is. Not sleeping. Just weak.
I am… merciless criticism
I am… cleansing humor
I am… the angel's patience
>Has anyone shared this yet?
Yeah, it was posted here last night. Probably where he got it from.
>Anon posts of influencers who grift on what we built is weak af.
Trying to gatekeep "what we built" is even weaker, IMO. The information is now outside of here. What more do you want?
That poster is not anon. Why are you trying to hold someone on another platform to your standards? Your oath is not their oath.
Why are you trying to hold someone on Twitter to an oath on 8kun? What the fuck is wrong with you? The information that gets posted here or discovered here is not yours.
No, I think you've just failed to blend in yet again, Simple Legion. You're arguing like some DEI retard trying to stoke outrage.