So being here "illegally" is not considered a crime?
But as the Biden Adm. has just proved, all it takes is one rigged election to undo all of the good that Trump is now doing.
Are we going to be on a seesaw every 4 years with all of these EOs?
Anyone can call themselves a Jew.
A good ol' boys club who only hire each other and each other's kids and sabotage all competitors? Or is it more nefarious than that?
I remember thinking 7 years ago that it was odd that moar people were not engaged in the Q phenomena.
I am only of average intelligence and I found my way here just by being curious.
Paganism, superstition, and idolatry.
And Ivanka with a Green Beret.
Here is the post that Q was responding to.
This was my initial thought when I saw Melania's hat.
I think they are trying to throw us off track with the V for Vendetta stuff.
>Here is the post that Q was responding to.
Actually this is the post that an Anon was responding to in response to a Q post and Q responded to that Anon.
St. Paul would approve.
Paul must have encountered some loud mouthed busybody obnoxious Liberal women when he told them to STFU and keep their heads covered.
Good Night Frens,
and shills.
I must get some sleep.