In fairness to the Pedo-defending low-life scum…
I too hate the Street Sign Captchas always stump me because I don't know if the pole part counts, too.
In fairness to the Pedo-defending low-life scum…
I too hate the Street Sign Captchas always stump me because I don't know if the pole part counts, too.
seconded (especially during times of low shillage understandble to skip when fire fighting)
POTUS makes the best economies, anons. Tippy Top ones.
There's some serious Turbo 'Tism going on at 4ch/pol/ right now re: Pedo twats - get ready for some incoming digs as the day goes on…
LogicalFallacyBinaryOnlyShillyAnon settle down.
Room for both Oil and New Tech sharin a spliff together in perfect harmony.
I skip until I get an unambiguous one, solve it, then refresh. It usually gives me the car, bus, or store front then. The street sign has completely intimidated me as neither approach ever works when I do it.
More like Clapper gets the Gitmo-lite Golf Course Suites (newspaper bedding not hard iron - purpa drank instead of Cuban village sanitation creek water - etc) sentence by jumping ship early. At least he's the polite pleasant sounding one of that bunch so I'm fine with it.
4ch/pol/ Twatter Dump containing Pedo-related keyword hits in individual file format I believe
key !Ze79GHR7aNrI1c9-M0MDdnT9XcWzMUYFgJ6lN_4qI8Q