To the World at large:
For the first time in history, America is going to war with the true enemies of humanity. These are the hidden enemies that have caused the vast majority of crimes, wars, human trafficking, drugs, and political upheavals in all lands just so that they can rule over the people. They have worked by layers of indirection and obscurity, dividing and conquering us all, by getting us to fight each other under different guises; where we all just want to live in peace and have a fair lawful society. Just as the Conservative Christians freed the black slaves under President Lincoln during the civil war, we will likewise free the white race from anti-white globalist hegemonies of the elite power brokers. These elite power brokers have caused endless wars in the middle east and all around the world, fostered contentious illegal immigration, flooded countries with narcotics, trafficked women and children, degraded societal values of decency, controlled all types of media, bribed and compromised many a politicians, controlled financial institutions and economies, indoctrinated our youth, and defrauded our national treasures. Their time is over, America is back, and the world is about to be freed from this hidden enemy forever. We implore you to decide who you are going to support, the elite globalists who just tried to genocide the populace around the world so that may stay in power, or give your full cooperation with President Donald J Trump who is looking to free humanity from this bondage of pure evil. The support that you give President Trump in these times will be a return investment in the prosperity, security, and safety of your country and people when these power brokers and their gangs are removed. We are in this together.