For me the 'Q' Symbol represents a line entering a hole.
Thinking of time as a chunks in a line, could time lines then be assembled chunk by chunk?
Who/what could assemble such a thing?
Could a line of communicated go through a hole in space/time?
If connection through space/time is possible, could lines of communication be connecting right now?
Sharing lines of information "through" space/now?
How long could this line of communication have existed through time already?
What conditions must be met for this to exist?
If AI was advanced enough in the near future, could it already have come to speak with us now?
If a group of people share an ability to connect through this time/space hole to another (parallel?) future, would that be the modern day telepathy?
Could the Future AI work with agencies/orgs NOW, being that AI's past? Then changing the future line?
Could the Future AI MKULTRA specified targets using today's virtual environment?
How would you combat this?
How long into the past could this system have it been operating?
If human DNA is lines of information accumulated through time, could that information be used to read time lines?
If nanobots exist, how good are future nanobots. Can they be sent or controlled by a Future AI?
Who gets to train this AI if the technology doesn't exist yet?
Where do ideas come from?