Just now getting here so apologies in advance in case maybe it was beaten to death and then some last bread, but any new Q posts today?
Even tho it's most likely destined for the fanfic files that still was a pretty good read.
Twitter QAnons do.
They use hashtags as a home the same way anons here use the General Breads.
Here let me halp a nigga out for use next time.
What habbened?
Never heard of him.
Yeah, sorry shill, but Q kinda screwed the pooch on that one.
Me and some GY anons decided the other night to start using it again.
The whole world refers to anons that follow Q as QAnons and it's not in all bad connotations.
Quite the opposite.
So, combined with not confusing the fuck outta others with the gay ass workarounds, it's back in play.
Oh, shit, really.
I stick to here and my sportsball betting forums.
The caps of X Q chatter keep getting posted all the time.
Is everybody on some kinda fren list together now?
It's a small rebellion in an attempt to match the irl sitrep frequently encountered.
Not trying to have it go viral or anything.
Well, it doesn't appear to have stopped the Q train there.
I'm just curious how they search shit out now.
Like #MAGA, #ArrestFauci, etc was used in olden times.
Yeah, well, what tf does Q expect anons to do when some normie says that his fren follows the QAnons on SM and they keep him up with all the bs the Deep State is trying to pull?
Ayo hol up there pardner, did you just say QAnon?
Now listen here there's Q and there's anonsโฆโฆ
Yeah, I get it but that's like outdated Boomer Q these days.
All the cool kids just now newfagging on Q are saying QAnon in a positive they're based kinda way.
I'm just no done being the ackshyually guy any longer.
Perhaps I should only use it with my newfrens and not anons here tho.
Go back in the closet so to speak.
Yeah, well stated.
It's like standing against the tide anyway.
Everybody outside of here do mostly say Q when referring to him/them, but anons are all called QAnons no matter where they're found these days.
Still leaves the house, too.
Anyone that calls Q QAnon gets told hey man it's just Q.
Then when they go well who's QAnon???
That's where the change is coming in.
Now I just say oh that's just all the anons that follow Q.
Like you if you start doing it then you'll be one of the QAnons, too, even if you don't go to QR.
What's QR.
Uhโฆ fuck it, not important.
Yeah, it was a yuge hashtag back in the day.
Now hashtags are ded but QAnon libes on which leaves me wondering how Q can find them now.
It certainly has un unstoppable life of its own now.
I just got tired of spergsplaining when someone said oooh did you see what that one QAnon twatted out the other day? Spoopy connection!
You have to adjust for the situation and let the good vibes flow.
>You have to be able to have patience.
Yeah, I lost mine and just said is QAnon really that bad.
I like this one he fights.
Go for it but no hashtags since AI would never betray an Elon Edict.
I still prefer the classic.
And those were the so called autists on /pol/ that many such anons pine over to this day.
Pretty sure the shit that's not finished will prolly remain so.
Yes, it's a long time (like forever) QR axiom that Bakers don't fuck with other Bakers notes.
However, others would argue it's an outdated relic just like chan rules brought over from /pol/ are.
Feel free to discuss if so inclined.
Normies are saying QAnons when referring to Q followers and it's increasingly in a positive light.
There's a small QR rebel movement that isn't sperging out on them with the There's Q and There's Anons copypasta.
The question posed in this current bread is whether or not this is an QR excomm offense or not?
Yeah, I don't think some of you will be good comfy blankets when the BOOMs hit and normies freak out a bit.
Q was also big on that being important, too.
You're gonna bitch out the 1st one you see saying Halp me QAnon halp me!
GTFO you're always here you haven't talked to a normie in ages.
I'm around them every weekday and it's amazing how many have a fren that follows the QAnons.
Not an every day thing but inflation going outta control and Ukraine fatigue really amped up the trajectory.
I think all sides know the feeling bro.
Sorry, Anon, I'm no spring chicken but that was long gone even during the days of my ute.
Maybe the UK anons are on to something about the harm American cheeseburgers cause.
Yes, I believe the New Coke will go over well here.
> it
You know how I read that one at first, Anon.
And it's still just as valid a question.