They both have Christian dark and light skinned people it is funny how they do not mix and seem to want to identify as different but yet they want to push you to their school which ever one to brain wash you in the same way…
The whole idea is not about God or church but about using these places as a frame work for grooming and human trafficking. They do this to also frame religion is the reality and spiritual people because they are communist.
One of the most important things for another country or communist to over throw the government is to infiltrate churches and take them over… they have such welcoming people they do not even know they are being played it seems and this what these people are counting on.
They take as much advantage as they can faking anything they need to which caused there to be less for people that actually do need help and are genuine in these ways. They don’t this by taking out of the loop the higher places in more traditional churches so on and working around them so to speak. This could take years od them planting people but this has been done and known to happen is the issue. This is oe was their big chance in reality… I not sure how much of a fake out this was or was not… to a point I think they where given enough rope to hang themselves with is the reality.
The crazy thing is that they all want to act like you do not know what is going on constantly… and they just do the same shit over and over again.
So I will not be doing anymore research or anything for sure as I believe the government have changed now and they have the power to end this. Is the reality if they do not it makes them no better then the people that are doing this now. If there is no justice then it is really like someone has taken over a large section of the government. They like if you say this as they want to try to act like people are dangerous or something this is the whole point of them gas lighting gang stalking… to try to frame people as extremist.
They love the idea of framing people as extremist so they send people around to harass people they act like they are teaching you or something but in reality they are framing you as an extremist to try to take over your life…
I am a victim of human trafficking by these people…
So I can expect people to treat me worse tomorrow ad they say “treatment” is more skits of abuse to teach you to do ad they say with our question. As they are the masters and human traffickers… they sent an actor that was an older guy around that made sure he said “mad” and then had my father sit me down but it was not him. It was likely a guy named John… not Trump and so on but I think they try to hide behind that is his middle name so who can you not insult so to speak.
So he sat me down and was like you need to do as I say kinda thing and I believe they are all the same in reality. They can say what they want to but I learned that all people may change in what ever way ad they had mult doubled of my father so to speak…
This all seems to be a thing put together by the foreign national… they I believe where trying to recruit me to be a spy for them against the United States of America with out saying I directly.