>>22437532 @elonmusk - “Nemo me impune lacessit” – Sulla
A lot of good america first people who are taking their oaths are now learning what's only been known in small circles, in classified documents, and by DJT. It would be amazing to be a fly on the wall, but hopefully with these people, the rest of the world can and will know also…and soon.
While not nearly enough, I'd add to that bill as a precautionary measure that anyone involved in the abortion decision (the mothers mostly) lose all parental rights and anyone involved in the failed procedure lose, at least, their medical practicing licenses or allow for such massive threats of malpractice that no insurance will cover them.
then keep going. push forward.
I'm thinking the election system and machines will never really be revealed. besides being complicated, its less of an issue if it gets fixed another way. putting the blame on the media may be a better narrative due to the effects of people's understanding of the importance of the 1st amendment.